This section houses most of the links on my site whitch include links to poems (both mine and also some I just like) and quotes (witch non I claim because it's to hard to tell who said what first, and does it really matter?)


Here you'll learn all about me: my interests and hobbies, and I'll share some of my writings
along with anyone else's that might want me to post their thoughts.

Hi, My name is Scott (or Scotty) the main reason for creating this site is to share my poems with my friends. Aside from that I would also like to share some of my favorite famous poems and quotes along with anyone else's that would give me the privlage to poast their work.

Here is a pic of me I'm 28 yours old I live in bluesprings MO. I currently don't have a car so I dont get out much these days but I like to fish (I can walk to the lake from my house),I also like to read, work on the computer and write.

What's new?

This is were I will post new additions to my site so check here often!
My newest poest "The Friendship That Never Was" Is up and ready to read, Just look to the left under "My Poems."


My favorite poem.

Nothing Gold Can Stay
By: Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her earliest leaf's a flower,
But only for an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank with grief.
So dawn goes down to day,
Nothen gold can stay


"Only a fool would follow the advice from someone who won't follow that same advice!"

"When asking for advice people are rarely looking for the truth"

"Good advice is Rarely welcomed"

"Never Lend money to a friend"